Friday, April 4, 2008


Again today is the 40th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s assassination and it made me think or the impact his life had on the world as I watched the kids on the news before the commercial break explain how he affected them and the world. They were kids of all different colors and races. As a black person I would like to think that he only did this for us but he didn’t he did it for everyone. Then I think what would he think today if he saw the world and the progress we have made as African-Americans. I don’t think he would be proud he would probably say we have gone backwards and we really didn’t understand his message. Or maybe some people have corrupted his message we brought this up in English class but we couldn’t finish discussing the question. Somewhere we as a nation have forgotten his words even though we honor him and made his birthday and national holiday it’s not the same like we discussed in class we should be more open in racism without taking offense, now I’m saying be intelligent about it don’t just spurt out racial slurs but understand how people feel about it without masking the issue.

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