Friday, April 11, 2008

Heavyweight Bout

This year there has been through the news the heavyweight bout between the presidential candidates mainly Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. It seems to me that this is ridiculous each opponent just keeps battering the other in the news and in public. Every time there is something new about one of them Obama and his election committees and minister friends (I am a avid Christian and they are not like the Preachers in my pulpit). Hillary and her money (I wish that I could have over 100 million I wouldn’t care what you say). This isn’t happening on the republic side with McCain I bet he turns on the TV and laugh at his opponents. Now he’s not squeaky clean but he sure knows how to stay out of the news this does help my Psychology teachers prediction that McCain will be president because Hillary will mess up Obama’s votes. What happened to the normal elections it’s like a MTV reality show (which by the way are not that good). If this goes the way it does it will mean the white man will win again.

1 comment:

Rich said...

Yea they never seem to run fair they always doing stuff like that but if that is the cost to become president look at what they have are going to be our leaders and they are acting like that maybe that is just me but aint that kinda scary