Friday, April 4, 2008

Frederick Douglass

Well for a change my history class brought me a subject for my blog I had to read a book about Frederick Douglass, called The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. It was an interesting book, because it describes first hand the life of a slave. It shed some light on how it was Douglass told us in the book that he was sold apart from his mother and that on some nights she would walk 12 miles to lay beside him. She died when he was 7 and to him it didn’t phase him he said it felt like the death of a stranger (that’s unimaginable considering today’s time) the slaves were treated poorly and had to work long and hard on little food rations. Women slaves were constantly harassed and raped Douglass said his father was a white man maybe even his master. In the book he was moved to the city where life for a slave was a little better his new owners wife came from the North and she began to teach him how to read then her husband stopped that because he said that an education would make the slave unmanageable and unhappy (I wanted to go back in time and choke him, but he was right an uneducated person is easier to control). You would have to read the book to understand more it is worth reading for anybody.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I think this is SUCH an important book for people to read. One of the things worth noting is in the introduction where Douglass addresses (acknowledges) two (white) men who had 'promoted' his cause. It is ironic that he makes a point of emphasizing that the words in the book are HIS words, as opposed to the white men's. Even the benevolent white men, both of whom had appropriated Douglass as a character, or poster child, and deemphasized his humanity. I think Douglass was railing against something that has continued in our culture - the appropriation of the black man's cause by agendized groups.